
Showing posts from November, 2018

Cuts and Transitions

Own Cuts and Transitions: These different cuts and transitons that are shown in this video are a really effective way to make transtions smoother and more interesting compared to just a standard cut from each shot. These shots can give the illusion of no cut for example the invisisble cut that was used to show two different people sat at the desk. As well as this, we used a dissolve match cut to show the progression of time, showing one shot of a clock on the wall then dissolving into a watch showing a different time. Following on with the match cut, we also used one of these when we had a shot of the door and then a shot of someone walking away, the dark moments within these shots allowed us to bring them together and include a cut in betweeen this therefore creating the illusion that no cut has been used. By the use of a whip pan transtion we were able to show that the character had got from one side of the room to the other without having to show them walking across the whol

Montage Shots

Montage from UP: Montage from Rocky: What is a montage edit? A montage is a feature that is used in films which consist of short cuts to show the development of time. Such as the montage used in 'UP', audiences are able to see their lives develop together and we are able to see both their positive and negative times. The whole point of the montage is to cover a long amount of time in a 2 or 3 minute scene. Another example that we looked at was the montage used in 'Rocky' one that has become famous which has led people to recreate the iconic moment at the end. The montage in this film is used to show the development in Rocky's strength, we are able to see him get stronger and better at boxing therefore raising hope for the viewers. As well as this, montage shots are often used in Romcoms showing the passing of time in a relationship. Overall, a montage is the progression of time shown through a short scene.  Own montage video: