Forms and conventions

When considering the forms and conventions of films I will be using the genre rules for a thriller film, which are: Low saturated lighting, quick cuts, music adding to tension, shadows, extreme close ups, and to zoom in on the characters emotions, zooming in can also be used to focus on props which develop the narrative. As well as this, a lot of films have a subliminal message which is a feature that I aspire for my short film to include. My overall message from this creative piece will be that we can never be sure about who we are talking to, even if we think we are educated enough on the dangers of social media.

Where are you planning to develop on existing forms and conventions?
A conscious decision that I have made for my short film which will challenge the verbal forms and conventions of film as no speech will be used in my short film. The conversation between the two people will be shown through screen recordings and shots of the screen. I have made this decision to add to the tension of the film as there will be other sounds in the film in the form, some made during the filming and some added in during the editing process. By only seeing the messages on the screen it makes the viewers question what the characters are actually thinking as all we can see is what they're messaging each other, and that is not a true representation of how they're feeling.

My overall inspiration for my short film came from a book which was about a young girl sending letters to a stranger who was in prison so that she could confess her crime to someone who would understand. I then wanted to develop on this inspiration and I thought of the idea of 'catfishing' which is a well known term for talking to someone who says their someone who they're not. I also wanted to include the dangers of the internet and so I thought that by having the person at the end walking into the house it shows how their address was managed to be found which shows how we carelessly put our personal information online. Lastly, the final scene of my short film was included to create an 'exaggerated' version of what could happen if we are not safe online.

How are you planning on integrating and therefore demonstrating this inspiration?
The inspiration for this film will be interegrated into my short film by the messages coming through on the phone and the laptop. The whole idea is talking to someone who you do not know, which is shown in the book as she is sending letters to a criminal who she does not know. The difference in my short film is that the antagonist finds the protagonist and the final shot of him reaching for her arm leaves the next part of the narrative up to audience interpretation.


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