Planning- Casting and Characters

My short film requires two characters, one being the online 'stranger' and the other being the 'victim' of online stalking. As my short film planning process developed, I thought about using two online 'strangers' talking to just the one 'victim' to be a representation of how easy it is to talk to someone who you do not know, the victim assumes that they are talking to one person whereas the viewers know that they aren't therefore showing the overall message of the short film. When discussing this idea with my peers, I am still undecided on this aspect of my film however I do think this would be an effective 'spin' on the exsisting videos focussing on this subject.

*UPDATE* After discussing this idea of using two antagonists and one victim, I think it would be more effective to keep to the original idea of having one protagonist and one antagonist. This will be more effective at conveying the overall message of my film as I think having two antagonists will be confusing to keep up with the narrative. especially when considering my target audience.

final choices of cast and reasons for choosing them
I have decided to cast myself in the short film as when doing my rough cut it wasn't as effective telling someone else what I wanted to achieve due to different perceptions on the overall message. I was going to use an older person to break the stereotype of young people always being presented as not understanding social media however with regards to the acting, I felt like I could deliver a more convincing role as I am a regular user of social media whereas the original protagonist as seen in the rough cut had never used social media and so did not really understand.


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