Experimental horror makeup

When experimenting with horror makeup we used a variety of resources such as flour, red food colouring, water and mud to create the fake blood and used the FX wax which allowed us to create the mould of the wound. Our idea was to have branches growing out of someone and we did this by getting sticks and leaves and using the wax to create a mould for them to be stuck into, once they were in place we used the wax to shape the wound around the sticks and leaves and used our fingers to smooth out the edges so that when we applied the blood it would look realistic. For the first injury we did it on the hand and had a stick coming out of it, to give this effect we used a larger stick and then used a smaller stick to be attached on the side of the hand to make it look like it had gone straight through. We then covered the wound in fake blood and added grass and mud to it. For the second injury, we used a twig with some leaves on it and secured it to the side of the arm, near the shoulder.

When we started the task we found it difficult to come up with any ideas that would work well and then once we had our idea we found it hard to use the wax as it was too hard to be moulded into a shape and to be secured down. As well as this, when we were making the blood it was a long process to find the correct quantities to make the blood. We started by adding flour and water and kept on building up on that to make it the correct consistency. We then had to add the food colouring which at first we didn't think was going to take a long time however it took numerous attempts to make it the right colour. After we got our colour right, we didn't know what to add to make it thicker and so we decided to try coffee, however, couldn't get any and so we resulted to mud which worked really effectively.

I personally really enjoyed this task and although I won't be needing this type of makeup in my short film it was still interesting to explore the different aspects of the film industry that aren't always shown.


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