Planning- Script/Stage directions/plot outline

Voice over script:
Unnamed Protagonist: Social media is used by millions everyday. Allowing us to connect with those near and far. It's expanding all the time, new accounts, new friends, upload, like, retweet. The internet has a dark side too. A dark side which our parents cannot protect us from. A dark side, that we are exposed to. And you might not even know about it. But it's there.

Plot outline-
So far, the basic plotline for my short film is based around the dangers of the internet and how we never really know who we are talking to. The film will begin showing a POV shot from a yet unknown character, they will be looking at two adults leaving their house through the trees. We are then introduced to the protagonist of the story where they come home and see a note that their parents left them telling them that they will be out for a while. They then go upstairs and go on their laptop for a while, scrolling through their different social media accounts. They then leave their computer and then get a message. When returning they see the message and open it. They realise that they don't know this person and the messages are seeming quite strange. The protagonist asks the stranger to leave them alone and then they go downstairs. We then switch to the antagonist's perspective and we can see that he is watching her walk into her lounge and turn on her T.V. She then gets a text message which proves that he is watching her. She then shuts her curtains and locks the back door and runs upstairs, pulling a towel onto the stairs. Whilst sat in her bedroom she gets another text saying suggesting to her that the stranger will be coming through the front door. In a panic, she runs out of her bedroom and when running down the stairs she trips over the towel and falls down the stairs. The front door will then open, indicating to the audience through the last shot that she will be taken.



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